St Brides GFC Louth

Founded 1927

Co. Louth

Cardiac Screening Day - 4th March

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We are looking to organise a Cardiac Screening day in the clubrooms for members & the wider community. The proposed day is the 4th March. In order for us to host the day we need to have at least 30 people getting tested on the day. The actual cost per person is €50 and this will also cover the costs of follow up tests, for those who require it. Please read the information below if you are interested.

Reserve your spot today by messaging 087 7759660 or contact any committee member.

The principal tests are:

- Screening questionnaire

- Electrocardiogram

- Blood pressure recording

All tests are performed by cardiac physiologists and reported (offline) by a consultant cardiologist. Following the consultant report, there may be a recommendation for an echocardiogram / ambulatory (Holter) monitor which we will also perform at no additional cost. This is typically required on 10% or so of those screened.

All results are back within 2 weeks unless a follow up echo etc is required, and all attendees receive a letter directly to their home address with these results.

Finally, the age range is 14 yr old upwards. The target audience for sudden adult death syndrome is typically 14-40, however we have screened older people on the basis that they know the risk of follow up test is higher due to the increased likelihood of cardiac disease. We do not screen children younger than 14 and those under 16 must get parental consent.

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