St Brides GFC Louth

Founded 1927


Club Facilities


In 2008 we undertook our most ambitious project to date.  The building of a new Clubrooms that would house 2 main dressing rooms, a meeting room, a kitchen and a large community hall.  Before that point the club had been operating out of 2 small dressing rooms on the opposite side of the pitch.  A new car park that could hold 60 cars was also in the planning.


On the 16th August 2008 the new building was officially opened by then President of the GAA, Nickey Brennan.


St Brides Gym

In October 2022 we opened the doors on our new gym facility to club members.  A massive project that took over a year to complete but we now boast one of the finest club gym facilities in the country.  The old storage shed was knocked to pave the way for the new building that stands opposite our clubrooms.  Our fully kitted gym is open to members only of the four Knockbridge club units. 



Páirc an Chuinnigh Walking Track

Our all weather walking track is a major asset to our community.  Two different projects undertaken during the summer of 2021 and near the end of 2022 have provided us with a walking track that has proven very popular with the local community giving people a safe place to exercise.


From January 2022 St Brides will ask that individuals become St Brides Walking Track Members.  This €20 per year membership will cover members insurance and help with the cost of upkeeping the walking track to a suitable standard.



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